Beauty Resolutions : Healthier Lips

We’ve passed the halfway mark of Summer and if you are well behind on your beauty resolutions, keep calm because it’s never too late to start a new habit. If starting a new habit scares you, why not commit to your current routine but improve on it. Many of us want our lips to look supple and healthy throughout the day but are guilty of not apply enough lip balm or even drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water daily. Some may even think that lip balms are only used during winter! NOT TRUE! Though many of us live in tropical climates, most work in air-conditioned settings making it imperative that we take extra care of our lips. The area around your mouth is quickest way to show early signs of ageing. So don’t forget to show your lips some love by slathering on lip balms that have at least a SPF 15 or higher in them. We recommend Elizabeth Arden Eight House Cream Lip Protectant Stick Sunscreen SPF 15. One big mistake to soothe those cracked lips is to lick them. You would think it’ll help salvage the situation temporarily but saliva will only increase irritation. Instead, exfoliate your lips with a scrub to getting softer looking lips. Make your own scrub by applying some caster sugar and give them a gentle rub using a toothbrush. Our tip to making the best of your lipstick? Apply some lip balm and let it set before applying your sexy new lip color.